J. W. Waterhouse
Phaidon Press Limited (UK)の MYTH AND ROMANCE - THE ART OF J W WATERHOUSE を久しぶりに眺めてみた。この人の絵は好きだなあと改めて感じたのでメモ。
気になった絵(および部分)[へのリンク] と関連詩:
Circle Invidiosa (水と服の碧) [com]
The Danaïdes (下の壷) [AM]
Miranda - The Tempest (風) [R]
Ophelia (yet another) (by the pond) (横顔、白い服) [R] [com]
Study for The Lady of Shalott (顔) [AM]
The Lady of Shalott (白い服) [R]
The Lady of Shalott (on boat) (船と布) [R] [com]
She left the web, she left the loom, She made three paces through the room, She saw the helmet and the plume, She look'd down to Camelot. Out flew the web and floated wide; The mirror crack'd from side to side; "The curse is come upon me," cried The Lady of Shalott.- The Lady of Sharlott
(Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809-92 )
Portrait of a Lady in a Green Dress (Study for The Bouquet) (タッチ) [AM]
Hylas and the Nymphs (Hylasの手を持つ妖精) [R] [com]
Penelope and the Suitors (糸の緊張) [AM]
La Belle Dame Sans Merci [R] [com]
... I met a lady in the meads, Full beautiful-a faery's child, Her hair was long, her foot was light, And her eyes were wild.- La Belle Dame Sans Merci (John Keats 1795-1821)
I made a garland for her head, And bracelets too, and fragant zone, She look'd at me as she did love, And made sweet moan.
I set her on my pacing steed, And nothing else saw all day long, For sidelong would she bed, and sing A faery's song.
She found me foots or relish sweet, And honey wild, and manna dew, And sure in language strange she said- "I love thee true!" ...
Ophelia (青) [com]
Psyche Entering Cupid's Garden [IG]
A rosy sanctuary will I dress With the wreathed trelis of a working brain, With buds, and bells, and stars without a name, With all the gardener Fancy e'er could feign, Who, breeding flowers, will never breed the same; And there sha be for thee all soft delight That shadowy thought can win, A bright torch, and a casement ope at night, To let the warm Love in!- Ode to Psyche (John Keats 1795-1821)
The Sorceress (血が匂ってきそうな感じ)
Ariadne (赤い服、ピューマ(チーター?))
“I am Half-sick of Shadows,” said the Lady of Shalott (空気) (織物も凄かった) [com]
The Siren [R]
Saint Cecilia (ヴァイオリン弾きの二人)
The Magic Circle [com]
Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus (左の妖精) [com]
(* Alternative title: Women with Water Jugs.)
Mariamne Leaving the Judgement Seat of Herod (立ち姿、獅子) [R]
She's gone, who shared my diadem; She sunk, with her my joys entombing; I swept that flower from Judah's stem, Whose leaves for me aone were blooming; And mine's the guit, and mine the hell, This bosom's desoation dooming; And I have earn'd those tortures well, which unconsumed are sti consuming!- Herod's Lament for Mariamne (Load Byron 178801824)
Fair Rosamund (目、青、カーテンの後ろの…)
Saint Eulalia [R]
A Grecian Flower Market [R]
Two Little Italian Girls by a Village [R]
The Orange Gatherers [R]
Crystal Ball [com]
The Favourites of the Emperor Honorious
At Capri
Consulting the Oracle
The Household Gods
[R] : The Pre-Raphaelites
[ARC] : ARC International - The Art Renewal Center
[com] : John William Waterhouse: Comprehensive Painting Archive with Descriptions, Paintings Location, Interesting Facts, and Poetry. « jwwaterhouse.com
[AM] : ArtMagick
[IG] : Illusions Gallery
« 日記/抜糸 | トップページ | 上下にもバーを創る(ページ内ナビが欲しい) »
- ストイル・ストイロフ 『裁判』(2004.01.24)
- 復活交渉へ!(^^) 『黄金の七つの都市』(2004.01.23)
- J. W. Waterhouse(2003.12.16)
- 草古堂abroad(2003.12.05)
- 大海赫(2003.12.04)
- Chandeleur: クレープを食べる日(2007.02.03)
- Toussaint, Trépassés(2004.11.07)
- April Foolの起源(2004.04.02)
- ガレット・デ・ロワ(2004.01.09)
- 韓国でTUBEのCD発売 日本語第一弾(2004.01.09)